ProTrain Hoops®

Real. Performance. Improvement. tm



Drop Down Menus

ProTrain Hoops & videoKoach

ProTrain Hoops & videoKoach have joined forces to offer the only Atlanta-area basketball skill development program that features a “pro-style”, video-supported performance development program. 

Three of the most important needs of an aspiring basketball player are;

  1. master the (age-appropriate) fundamental skills and techniques required to excel at their current position(s).

  2. master the (position-specific) fundamental skills and techniques required to excel at the position(s) they are likely to play in the future (as Collegiate and Professional players).

  3. learn quickly in order to stay ahead of their competition.

Only videoKoach meets all three of these needs because we ensure that players are taught, trained and drilled using professional techniques, tools and methods.

Players are also provided with expert video analysis to accelerate their ability to learn from the pros and to learn from their mistakes.